Hi, I'm Rohan! I'm a 21 y/o student from Mumbai, India passionate about Digital Design and Development. I love designing and building side projects. Whenever I'm not working you'll find me watching anime, chasing nature, reading books, listening to music or clicking photos (opens in a new tab).
Tech stack
- Programming Languages: Java, HTML, CSS, React, Javascript, Typescript.
- Frameworks: NextJS, ExpressJS, Tailwind, GSAP, Framer.
- Tools: GitHub, Git, Vercel, Visual Studio Code, Figma.
- Databases: MongoDB, SQL
- Technologies & Other Skills: Digital design, Frontend and Creative development,
What do I build?
I like to work on mainly Design and Frontend of the project. If you want to check out my open source projects, feel free to stalk my GitHub (opens in a new tab).
What IDE do I use?
Visual Studio Code.
What softwares do I use daily?
Figma, Visual Studio Code, Instagram, Slack, Discord, WhatsApp, Telegram, GitHub and others.
What are your hobbies?
Reading, Coding, Designing, Listening to music, Chess, Photography, Watching Anime.
made w/ ♥ by Rohan Kambli.ඞ